A Tribute to my Niece, Tara
Tara (bridesmaid) at her brother's wedding

Tara (second from right) holding my daughter Kelly with her twin brother & sister; and cousins
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there. They may become a best friend, soul mate, lover or spouse; you just know that when you lock eyes with them for that very first time, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life now and in years to come. But then sometimes that sunshine turns towards darkness and life as we expected, begins to change. That one person, who we so willingly turned our lives over to, may not be who we thought them to be.
Unfortunately, as we see those dark clouds entering in our hearts, we bear painful and unfair truths, that will test our strength and our faith. Make everyday count and appreciate those around us, our family, our children, our friends, because you never know when God may take that away. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance, God tests our faith in so many ways, that we have to be prepared with in our hearts and our souls to take on that strength to forgive and go forward. "Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last... Tomorrow is Not Promised."Someone once told me that “God will never give us anything we can’t handle.” Perhaps it is through my strong faith and prayer that I can hold that truth. This weekend my family was put to the test, as we learned that my niece, Tara; my cousin’s oldest daughter and a mother of three young children, was murdered by her ex-husband of whom she had only been divorced from for a few weeks. As their three little children lie sleeping in their beds, Tara breathed her last breathe at the hands of her ex-husband. A life of such promise and a love that was thought to be forever has dissipated to a life lost; three little one’s left without parents; and a family left in shock and in tears.
“The cloud burst doesn’t last all day” - right now we can’t see through the darkness; but I know that when God allows our faith to take over, we will begin to see that light come shining through. It is at that moment that we know that Tara is once again safe in the “arms of her angel” and smiling down at us, letting us know that we need to continue with our lives “Living Each Day As If It Were Our Last.”
Unfortunately, as we see those dark clouds entering in our hearts, we bear painful and unfair truths, that will test our strength and our faith. Make everyday count and appreciate those around us, our family, our children, our friends, because you never know when God may take that away. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance, God tests our faith in so many ways, that we have to be prepared with in our hearts and our souls to take on that strength to forgive and go forward. "Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last... Tomorrow is Not Promised."Someone once told me that “God will never give us anything we can’t handle.” Perhaps it is through my strong faith and prayer that I can hold that truth. This weekend my family was put to the test, as we learned that my niece, Tara; my cousin’s oldest daughter and a mother of three young children, was murdered by her ex-husband of whom she had only been divorced from for a few weeks. As their three little children lie sleeping in their beds, Tara breathed her last breathe at the hands of her ex-husband. A life of such promise and a love that was thought to be forever has dissipated to a life lost; three little one’s left without parents; and a family left in shock and in tears.
“The cloud burst doesn’t last all day” - right now we can’t see through the darkness; but I know that when God allows our faith to take over, we will begin to see that light come shining through. It is at that moment that we know that Tara is once again safe in the “arms of her angel” and smiling down at us, letting us know that we need to continue with our lives “Living Each Day As If It Were Our Last.”
Thank you all for your many kind words, thoughts and prayers, which I have conveyed to my cousin and our family. Please keep Tara and my family in your prayers, as we wait for the sun to rise again.
Oh no! What a horrible situation.
Tara is beautiful!
My prayers and thoughts are with you and Tara's children.
Pam I am so sorry for you and your family's loss.
This is a very sad situation. I will pray for everyone's
recovery and help with their grief.
I cannot imagine the grief your family must endure. And the children... may God Bless them and help them through this horrible event.
My prayers are with you and your family in this horific time of grief !
I hope this man is in custody.
Such a beautiful tribute Pammy. It must have been hard to write, but also therapeutic. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family and for the repose of the soul of an angel taken too soon, Tara.
So sorry for the family...I know Tara is in heaven looking after my little girl. God Bless
my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family
Sending my thoughts to you and your family!
I am sorry that you have to go through this pain!
Thanks all for your beautiful thoughts and comments.
Knit2 - yes, he is in custody and charged with 1st degree murder and $1million bond
Anonymous - if I know Tara she is holding your little one in her arms right now.
What a sweet tribute to a beautiful young lady. My prayers are with your entire family.
Pam, what a beautifully composed tribute to your niece. I am so sorry for this tragedy. In the words of Chief Seattle, "There is no death, only a change of place." Know that she will be with you and your family forever. My thoughts and prayers are with you and especially for those three children.
I cannot find the words to express my sorrow for Tara's children along with you and all your family. I pray that God will hold all of you close in His Loving Arms to comfort and help you know that you are loved.
Please accept my prayers for your horrific loss. May the Lord hold Tara in his loving arms and watch over her children. ♥
I'm so sorry to hear what happened- how senseless and awful. My thoughts are with you and your family as you struggle with this.
Such a sad story. I hope her soul be at peace and her family finds peace too.
oh dear, what a horrible thing to happen. My love and thoughts to you and your family for such a senseless thing to happen!
Praying for you and your family! May the Lord of all comfort fill you with His peace.
Oh.. ((hug))
sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family...
Oh how awful! Hugs & prayers...
I am so sorry to hear about this loss. Sending my prayers to your family and especially those little children.
May Tara's memory be eternal.
Praying for you and your family and the children.
What a tragic loss. My prayers for you and your family!
My heart totally goes out to you and your family. Sorry does not express it. I hope wonderful memories of Tara ease your hearts and minds as you struggle to incorporate her loss into your lives.
Tomorrow is not promised, that is true; true for us all.
May God comfort you and give you peace.
I will keep your family in my prayers.
No words...just know that I am thinking of you, her family & all those who loved her.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
Pam, how incredibly sad. Poor children. My thoughts are with you at this awful time.
Again, thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and (((hugs))))
I know Tara is looking down from Heaven and smiling and knowing that Maya, Leo and Travis will be well cared for by my cousin (their grandmother).
Pam, I was moved to tears by your beautiful tribute. Please accept my condolences. I will be keeping you and the family in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Pamela. I am so, so sorry. How horrible. Prayers through my ever flapping prayer flags for the family, the children and you through this time of sorrow. Beautiful tribute to Tara.
Oh Pamela...what a tragic situation for Tara and for your family. I hope her children come through this and that there is a strong support system for them. You sound like you have a lot of faith with God. That is wonderful and HE will pull you all through this. My prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.
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