I have written about our annual Christmas Pageant in our Parish Church, Sacred Heart, for the past few years. I get as much enjoyment working on the Pageant even now, as much as I did when I started the Pageant in our Church 19 years ago. Although I directed it for many years, my daughter, Kelly, has taken over the lead as Director for the past 5 years. What made this year even more special was that my new little grandson, Zachary, got the lead in his first part, that of “Baby Jesus”. Even with a grandmother’s pride, I must say he was one of the best babies we have had; it was as if he knew exactly what to do on cue!

Since every parent wants their child to be the star of the show, we begin by choosing those that have participated in most of our Christmas masses throughout the year. Once all the main characters are chosen (Mary, Joseph, Wisemen, angels, etc.), Kelly begins her directing. Our little children range in age from 3 (which are the little angels) to age 12; and of course, Zachary, age 2 1/2 mos. The older children get the main parts, which gives the other children an incentive to work up to each year. We have a wonderful Children's Choir who do all the singing throughout the play. This year due to the weather and many illnesses, we managed to stage the whole production with only one practice!
Using my experience as the costumer for our local theater group, that is my main job with these children, is getting everyone fitted with a costume; with a few alterations here and there. As with any play, once the children put on their various costumes, their whole demeanor changes. They suddenly assume the role they are portraying. A lot of credit goes not just to the Director, but to the small group of parents who dedicated themselves each year working on the Pageant. They each automatically assume the various positions that they
have taken over each year. Once assembling the little angels, another for the shepherds, and still another for the Wisemen, and drummer boy and girl.

It is the team work that makes the Pageant so successful. The success is well noted as the Narrators (children grades 5-7) begin to tell the story of the Nativity, and as you look at the smiles on the faces of each parent. Although our little angels, who I said are mostly 3-4 year old's, completely steal the show; the other children are so professional, and kneel so reverently as they portray, Mary and Jesus from the time they are approached by the Angel Gabriel, to the birth of Jesus, and the arrival of the Wisemen. The final scene is the two little Drummer Girls, and the Drummer Boy who walk so very slowly down the center aisle playing their drums while the choir sings 'The Little Drummer Boy,". The most adorable thing is not only watching them, but watching the little angels singing their hearts out - pa rum pum pum pum, I could continue talking about the beauty of the children in the Pageant, but the pictures tell it all.