As my daughter mentioned to me last night – “The Steam Engine” closed a few weeks ago. Has it really been that long since I have written on my blog? Well, at least I have been up-to-date with my Carnival Blogs: http://www.MagdaleneJewelsblogs.blogspot.com.
Something I should have done a few weeks ago, introduced a new artist to our Etsy community: Reso914 (http://www.Reso914.etsy.com). Oh, did I also mention that he was one of my son’s?
For as long as I can remember Ryan (Reso) has always had an interest in drawing. I remember Parent’s night (oh how can we ever forget those experiences); Ryan was in Kindergarten, and outside the classroom each child had drawn a picture of their house. Everyone's work along the wall had a cute little square house, with a triangle roof, flowers (I think) in front, with a Mommy or Daddy standing outside. Then comes Ryan’s house – although perfectly symmetrical in the way of lines the house was perfectly drawn, but it was the inside that caught everyone’s attention. A continual circle of various colors – perfect for a color chart – but the circle circumferenced the whole house. A psychedelic tribute to his family. The teacher found it a bit different to say the least! Of course I was such a proud mother to see his artistic ability of how he views the world at such an early age. Yes, I still have that picture!
Not your conventional artist as you can imagine, as he views himself as a “graffiti artist” or “street artist”. His work and sense of colors is well known! He has also taken up drawing tattoo designs and doing some tattoo’s himself. And now I would like to introduce you to a small portion of Reso’s art.