Strummer, the "Ring Bearer."

by SDEMKE @etsy.com
With my nephew, Christian, who is also my godchild, getting married in September, I had Wedding fever on my mind. As I looked through the various categories on Etsy of "Wedding" themed items, I saw so many beautiful pieces of various arrangements. Out of that came the thought of doing a "Wedding" themed Treasury, called appropriately, "A Nice Day for a White Wedding". A few pieces were done by my friends on Boomer's, and other friends I have made here at Etsy; and now from the Treasury, I can add a few more friends I have made along the way.
My nephew's wedding is going to be in a famous winery in New Jersey: Renault Winery, located in So. Jersey in Atlantic City (which means 4 hours of driving for dear Auntie!). He and his girlfriend have a son, Strummer, who will be 20 mos. old at that time, and will have the part of "ring bearer"; while the flower girl, who is the same age, will attempt to walk down the aisle with my nephew. Of course, if they make it, they will totally steal the spotlight from the Bride and Groom. When I saw the picture on Etsy of the little flower girl, who is probably about their age, I just couldn't resist adding that to my Treasury. As you enjoy the Treasury, I will be deciding busy shopping for something special to wear!
I know the pictures are a little hard to get a good focus on, so I also did a YouTube video, of the "White Wedding" Treasury: this is the link, and don't forget to turn up the volume!