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Sunday, April 27, 2008


This is my nephew's 1st baby, Strummer Hansen. He is 15 mo. old, and has made the finals of a baby contest. He has already been featured in a few baby catalogues. We need all those etsy votes: http:/

The 1st pic is the one to vote for; 2nd pic is from his 1st Catalogue (cover); 3rd - 1 hr old; 4th pic is his 1st Birthday!

His father, my nephew Christian, was also a model as a baby and older. His biggest role was a walk-on part in a movie. So I guess it runs in the family.

From his proud Aunty!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Follow-up Article to "Orphan Act"

Crafts of Texture

As Artists Are We Protecting Ourselves? Are We Open to Loop Holes in the Proposed 'Orphan Works' Act?
Posted: 25 Apr 2008 04:29 AM CDT
Yesterday I received an email from a regular Guest writer here on Crafts of Texture, Pamela Baker of about a new bill entitled 'Orphan Works' going through congress at the moment in the US. I published it today at Admittedly at first I had no idea what 'Orphan Works' was, although I watch the news here in the UK this was an unfamiliar topic to me... maybe in the madness of the last few months I had missed it?? So I decided to delve a bit deeper and see what I could find out, especially if it was to become a global issue.I urge you to read on and decide for yourself, our rights to a copyright on web images and the products therein could be infringed.Is this bill a concern for the general artist, photographer and crafter? In the immediate future, for the US, yes... for the rest of the world... a cause for debate, yes... a topic to follow, yes as laws are being considered in Europe already.What is/are 'Orphan Works'? Wikipedia tells us;
An orphan work is a copyrighted work where it is difficult or impossible to contact the copyright holder. This situation can arise for many reasons. The author could have never been publicly known because the work was published anonymously or the work may have never been traditionally published at all. The identity of the author could have been once known but the information lost over time. Even if the author is known, it may not be possible to determine who inherited the copyright and presently owns it.
Nearly any work where a reasonable effort to locate the current copyright ownerfails can be considered orphaned. However the designation is often used loosely and in some jurisdictions there is no legal definition at all.
Compulsory license schemes, which would exclude orphaned works from copyright protections, are rarely acceptable under international copyright treaties. Such schemes are only worthy of consideration when there are more significant concerns than orphan works, such as a risk of market failure due to very high costs in places like the satellite retransmission market.[1]
Canada has created a supplemental licensing scheme that allows licenses for the use of published works to be issued by the Copyright Board of Canada on behalf of unlocatable copyright owners, after a prospective licensor has made "reasonable efforts to locate the owner of the copyright".[2] As of September 2006 the Board had issued 189 such licenses.[3]
US - The Public Domain Enhancement Act was introduced as House Bill 2601 for the United States 108th Congress in 2003 but never passed. It was reintroduced as House Bill 2408 for the 109th Congress in 2005 but died again. The bill would have released certain orphan works into the public domain if the copyright renewal registrations were not made as required.
In January 2006, the United States Copyright Office released a report on orphan works after researching the issue. The situation in the US is a result of the omnibus revision to the Copyright Act in 1976. Specifically, the 1976 Act made obtaining and maintaining copyright protection substantially easier than the 1909 Act. Copyrighted works are now protected the moment they are fixed in a tangible medium of expression, and do not need to be registered with the Copyright Office. Also, the 1976 Act changed the basic term of copyright from a term of fixed years from publication to a term of life of the author plus 50 (now 70) years. In so doing, the requirement that a copyright owner file a renewal registration in the 28th year of the term of copyright was essentially eliminated.
These changes were important steps toward the United States’ accession to the Berne Convention, which prohibits formalities like registration and renewal as a condition on the enjoyment and exercise of copyright. Moreover, there was substantial evidence presented during consideration of the 1976 Act that the formalities such as renewal and notice, when combined with drastic penalties like forfeiture of copyright, served as a “trap for the unwary” and caused the loss of many valuable copyrights. These changes, however, exacerbate the orphan works issue, in that a user generally must assume that a work he wishes to use is subject to copyright protection, and often cannot confirm whether a work has fallen into the public domain by consulting the renewal registration records of the Copyright Office.The report recommended that the focus on developing legislative text to address orphan works should not obscure the fact that the Copyright Act and the market place for copyrighted works provide several alternatives to a user who is frustrated by the orphan works situation. Indeed, assessing whether the situations described to use in the comments were true “orphan works” situations was difficult, in part because there is often more than meets the eye in a circumstance presented as an “orphan works” problem. In most cases a user may have a real choice among several alternatives that allow her to go forward with her project: making noninfringing use of the work, such as by copying only elements not covered by copyright; making fair use; seeking a substitute work for which she has permission to use; or a combination of these alternatives. Even though some orphan works situations may be addressed by existing copyright law as described above, many are not.
In conclusion, the Copyright office has reccomended new legislation which sets out limitations on the remedies that would be available if the user proves that he conducted a reasonably diligent search and describes a threshold requirements of a reasonably diligent search.[4] Such a solution would fall short releasing orphan works into the public domain, like the previous bill, but rather encourage perspective licensors to go ahead with an infringing project knowing in advance the maxium remedy he could be faced with.
In May 2006, U.S. Representative Lamar Smith introduced H.R.5439, a bill aimed at addressing the issue of orphan works by providing limitations of remedies in cases in which the copyright holder cannot be located.[5]
Europe - The European Commission, the civil branch of the European Union, is currently looking into the orphan works problem.[6]
So what does this mean for us... artists, photographers and crafters who blog, submit pictures to forums and social networks in order to market our products, network or just share? Well, it means that if someone stumbles across an image of yours and they can't find the owner (i.e. you), then they may have the right to claim the image and some might suggest possibly even go further (and we know there are some out there who will) to suggest that the work within the image is their own.
So who would claim these pictures? It could be anybody, but I should imagine (an assumption) that where money is involved in the process of each claim, that we would really be talking about larger companies... maybe those who hold stock images for marketing and advertising companies, or companies who stumble across your invention and understand how to make it profitable on a larger scale??? (again an assumption).
Can unapproved use of my images/product happen already, without someone going through the process of claiming an 'Orphan Work'? Sure, who is out there policing the internet... do you know if Facebook, MySpace, or Flickr use your images for promotional material already? Do you know that images from your blogs can be downloaded and printed off? Yet we all upload images and products freely. How do we stop it? Well this is the debate, isn't it? Even if the bill is opposed and rejected in congress, will copyright infringement ever stop? Coming from a fashion background where I have seen my own work rehashed by other companies for their profit... I'd tend to say these things are here to stay... doesn't stop it hurting when it does happen though!
So are we doing enough to protect ourselves? No probably not... What else can I do? Here are some things to consider, for example;
Are you a business, a professional, or a serious creator with an invention? Should you be taking protection of your work more seriously?
Do you copyright your work already? Every single piece? Are you familiar with how copyright works in your country?
Do you archive your work and images? Laborious, but maybe not a bad idea?
Do you copyright/watermark images of your work... every single one of them? Even the pictures of you and your friends crafting away on a Saturday afternoon? If I come across an image you have taken and submitted on the internet... how will I know it came from you? Have you looked yourself up under 'google images'?
If someone else blogs about you, do they provide full links to your websites and or email, so that you can be contacted? Do you do the same for the people you feature?
If you have comments on the topic, or links to information sites I have missed... please post them here.
If you want to follow the progress of 'Orphan Works' and the pending US bill, here are some other site I have found -

New Copyright Issues for all US Crafters, a Guest Writer Article by Pamela Baker
Posted: 25 Apr 2008 02:38 AM CDT

Friday, April 25, 2008

Article: The Orphan's Act

Crafts of Texture
A blogzine of crafts, artists and shopping tips brought to you by Sara's Texture Crafts; the home of handcrafted gifts, crafty kits and equipment.
Friday, 25 April 2008
New Copyright Issues for all US Crafters, a Guest Writer Article by Pamela Baker (

This is a link to the original article: Please read the brief information below also:
THE ORPHAN WORKS ACT:I don't know if you have seen this article or heard about this Legislation which is being considered in our Congress. It is such an important article which needs to alert all artists - it basically calls for the rights of anyone to steal the ideas, thoughts, emotional feelings that an artist brings to his work. The fact that Congress can allow such an abomination of rights needs to be dealt with through letters to our Congressmen, Legistators, Senators who expect to become President! If such an impropriety can be allowed to desecrate the ideals of today's artists, what can we expect for our tomorrows, and where does that leave the many craftsmen whose own work is an extension of themselves. A lot of credit goes to Diane Clancy "" who brought this incredible information, of the "Orphan Works Act" to the attention of those in our Forum, I would like to further extend this attached article to the other artists and craftsman, who are here at Etsy. The Orphan Works Act is under consideration again and as artists and supporters of artists, I hope you will respond!! From different artists' groups, we have heard that the new draft of Orphan Works Act of 2008 is going to be released next week. Artists and supporters who have seen it are horrified. Quote from the Illustrators' Partnership "If these proposals are enacted into law, all the work you have ever done or will do could be orphaned and exposed to commercial infringement from the moment you create it. " At least 12 artists groups are working together to help get the word out so people can get informed and then TAKE ACTION!!! Lots of links below to get informed and please at least sign the petition. Anyone anywhere in the world can sign.Again, quoting from the Illustrators' Partners " forget the spin you’ve heard from backers of this bill. This radical proposal, now pending before Congress, could cost you your past and future copyrights" This includes those of you who are creating beautiful and fun works on your blogs - they can take and use them too. All of our work is fair game.Here's a link to a site where you can sign a petition against it. Why not sign and pass it on? This is so important to all of us!!! We MUST take action! Please sign ... YOU can sign - it is international. - No to Orphan Works Petition. Mark Simon has a webcast interview with Brad Holland. - They have given permission to for this audio file to be copied, transferred and replayed ... they want this stopped!!Again, quoting from the Illustrators' Partnership, "for additional information about Orphan Works developments, go to the - IPA Orphan Works Resource Page for Artists

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Art of being Ryan

Ever since I can remember, my son Ryan has loved to draw. I would have to list his talents as a bit bizarre, as one scans book after book of his drawings. One could say his ideas have always been quite imaginative: in Kindergarten on "Parent's Night" the teacher had proudly displayed the drawing the children did of their homes. Picture after picture was of nice little square houses with a triangle roof, maybe one or two windows, and a few flowers outside. Adorable! Then comes Ryan's drawing of his home (which truly confounded the teacher!) but there it was, the square little house with a dark red roof, and inside the house was a caliope of colors going round and round - a bit on the psychedelic side. Oh yes, I still have that drawing.
His drawings still tend to be an extension of Ryan's strange imagination. He has even done some drawings for a tatoo shop - a true Boomer would remember "Big Joe"! So he has relentlessly allowed me to post a few of his drawings. Oddly enough, as strange as they are, I keep telling him he has artistic talent (perhaps that's the mother in me).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Guest Writer Article from Sara's Texture Crafts

Friday, 18 April 2008
‘Tragedy and Triumph’ by Guest Writer Pamela Baker
In January I wrote an article for “Crafts of Texture” regarding a quilting project “Tragedy and Triumph” that I,, and another Etsian, Andrea of started. We came up with the idea of asking other Etsian’s if they were interested in submitting a quilt square for our project. Our goal was to mainly stick to something historical that has affected you personally or affected a part of everyone’s daily life, for example the war in Iraq, Sept 11, the floods of Katrina, the Tsunami in India and Sri Lanka, etc. We didn’t wish for the tragedies to rule since there are many positive aspects that have affected our lives also. That is why Andrea, "" and I decided to assemble 2 quilts depicting both themes. That is how we came up with the title, "Tragedy and Triumph".As a follow up to our initial idea, we currently have almost 40 different artists from Etsy who have submitted their ideas of what they would like to contribute. The ideas that were submitted for our Tragedy quilt range from the “Bombing of the Twin Towers”, the “Oklahoma Bombing”, “Katrina”, to the numerous killings on school campuses, which is one that I submitted called “Columbine.” Our Triumphs include “America has Heart”, “Global Awareness”, and “Heart Value Surgery.” Other quilted blocks will be dedicated to those who lost someone to “drug abuse”, the “First Parliament in Edinburgh, Scotland, to “Women’s Rights”, “Space Exploration” and one done by a breast cancer survivor.As Andrea quoted “The inspiration for the quilts are all those people who recorded history in their artistic expressions. We don't know their names, yet they captured history in their homely work. Tapestries, quilts, needlework - these are all we have left. Yet these works inform our understanding of history."These are just a sampling of a few of the squares already submitted, which can also be found on my blog,
The first square by Betsy @ represents “Katrina”, Notice on the left the deep purple waves; the dark background represents the richness of the culture along the Gulf Coast; and the “red X” represents the “X” that the recovery workers used as they searched each home. The second block done by Marion @, is dedicated to all those who are “Breast Cancer Survivors”, (of which she is one). The third block, submitted by myself, called “Columbine”, calls for a stop to all the needless shootings on school campuses.

The fourth quilt square done by Jacki of called “In Memoriam” is dedicated to our US Troops fighting for our safety. Note, in the upper right side are 3 tiny pearl drops, one representing the death of her father, the other to her husband, and the third to all of those who have lost their lives fighting in Iraq. The next square, “Poetry”, by Debi of, represents the world evolving around us. We need to remind ourselves of the beauty that surrounds us, and not to waste or destroy what we are lucky to have. Another beautiful square I received is called “America Has Heart” by Gayle of Also shown below is a square by Pat Tiffin of "", celebrating her heart valve replacement surgery.

There are a few more quilts blocks on my blog which I invite all to view; and as more squares come in, you will be able to view them on my blog with each update.Written by Pamela Baker of
Posted by Sara's Texture Crafts
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Quilt Square: Texas A&M Bonfire

I just received two beautiful quilt square from Joan of "" Both of which are very meaningful. Joan choose "The Texas A&M Bonfire Tragedy" as one of her squares. I don't know how many of you remember that terrible tragedy at the Texas A & M University on Nov. 18, 1999. What was a century old tradition at the University, the erection of almost 4,000 logs about 12' each and reaching a total height of 40' to be set afire the night before their biggest football game. The finished pile, erected by the students, collasped while about 70 students were standing on top of the logs, killing 13 students and critically injuring over 40 other students. As one student said, "The sadness is unbelievable." This was truly a tragic event in our history shocking many. This quilt square also has some special meaning to Joan, her son was a student at Texas A & M at the time of this tragedy. She even feared that he might be among one of the students, luckily though he wasn't. Her daughter is also just graduating from there. So she really has a connection to this subject that she choose.
Joan's other contribution for the "Triumph" is a call for all to remember that in order to save the earth, we need to begin to save energy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Your fairy is called Fidget Goblinfilter
She is a bringer of riches and wealth.
She lives in rotting woodlands near poisonous toadstools.
She is only seen on midsummer's eve.
She wears red with white spots, like the toadstools. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.
This is the Fairy Joan,, designed for me.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

BethPeardon - a Talented Boomer!

When I signed up for the Bbest Boomer Team, I hadn’t expected to meet so many artists whose work expands into so many various directions. I have since learned so many different techniques of “visual art” and am amazed at the creativity that exists among the “Boomers”. The answer is yes if you are asking yourself, “are they really Baby Boomers”. Yes, we are a product of the Baby Boomer generation all grown up. Then again, if you lived within our generation, you will know that we never really grow up. Besides this group having so many talented artists, they have a bond among themselves that would make one think they have known each other all their lives. Oh, you must also meet the age requirement – over 40! Of that I will say no more!
We talk about our newest creations, or designs, family’s, food (that always get us crazy to want to go get something to eat), our kids, our pets and even music. Like I said you have to have grown up during the Boomer generation to even begin to understand our type of music. Luckily for me, my kids were raised on Beatles, Doors, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Stones, etc. – just the other night, we were reminiscing about Rick Springfield (Rock and Roll Hoohcy Coo!)
When a Treasury comes up, we never forget to promote our group, either in all the promotions or at least some of them. Like I said the bonding between all of them is like a home away from home. Actually as I started this blog, I was about to write about one of the artist’s from our Forum and her shop, which ranges from beautifully shot photographs to an ancient type of art called “encaustic art.” If you haven’t guessed by now, this talented lady is Beth Peardon, and her shop is
According to Beth’s profile, she began her artistic talents as a photographer, which the photos on her site will attest to her ability to capture a subject and make it reality. From there she expanded to making ACEO’s, which she describes as “her new love.” I have to admit until I met this group I really had no idea of this specific type of art. I have since come to not only love the designs; I have already purchased a few which I absolutely love looking at. Ok since you wanted to know ACEO stands for “Art Cards, Editions and Originals.” This art form actually dates back over 2000 years to Greek and Roman times. The making of these cards begin with a process in which different colored wax is burnt onto plaster, canvas, wood by using special scribing tools. Beth has combined her knew found talent with her love of photography; using her original photos as the background. The stamps are from a collection she has had since she was small. The end result of this talented artist is created onto one of the cards as one of a kind designs or pictures. One of the specifics of these ACEO’s is the measurement – they must be 3.5 x 2.5”. Beth also has a large selection of various stamps from around the world which she, at times,
incorporates into her design. The one pictured here is one of my favorites, called “little girl plucking” which has a stamp from India in the corner.

This beautiful ACEO, “the rose with a heart”, is created from one of the many realistic photos featured in her shop.

I have just learned that Beth has another (hidden) talent - song writing. She wrote the most beautiful song about war (although there is no beauty in war) but her song will really touch anyone who listens to it. Beth has it on her "my space"
It is something you don't wish to miss!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Tragedy & Triumph from Alisclair

Alisclair of "" contributed two quilt blocks to our Tragedy and Triumph Quilting Project. Alisclair comes from the United Kingdom, so when she first told me what she wanted to do, RNLI, I have to admit (as probably most of us do) that I have never heard of it.
RNLI stands for the "Royal National Lifeboat Institute".
The RNLI is an all volunteer, charity supported Institute that provides 24-hour lifesaving service around the UK and Republic of Ireland. These volunteers come from all walks of life and they devote their time to saving the lives of others, while often risking their own lives. The lifeboat crews carry out rescues at sea during many difficult and dangerous situations.
Alisclair submitted two blocks, one representing the Tragedy (Pic #1) that these devoted crew members face each day. It shows one of their boats on a rescue mission. The Triumph (pic #2)
shows the triumph of a successful rescue as the members of the RNLI return to shore.
Thanks Alis for teaching us all something of such importance from your part of the world.