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Friday, April 18, 2008

Guest Writer Article from Sara's Texture Crafts

Friday, 18 April 2008
‘Tragedy and Triumph’ by Guest Writer Pamela Baker
In January I wrote an article for “Crafts of Texture” regarding a quilting project “Tragedy and Triumph” that I,, and another Etsian, Andrea of started. We came up with the idea of asking other Etsian’s if they were interested in submitting a quilt square for our project. Our goal was to mainly stick to something historical that has affected you personally or affected a part of everyone’s daily life, for example the war in Iraq, Sept 11, the floods of Katrina, the Tsunami in India and Sri Lanka, etc. We didn’t wish for the tragedies to rule since there are many positive aspects that have affected our lives also. That is why Andrea, "" and I decided to assemble 2 quilts depicting both themes. That is how we came up with the title, "Tragedy and Triumph".As a follow up to our initial idea, we currently have almost 40 different artists from Etsy who have submitted their ideas of what they would like to contribute. The ideas that were submitted for our Tragedy quilt range from the “Bombing of the Twin Towers”, the “Oklahoma Bombing”, “Katrina”, to the numerous killings on school campuses, which is one that I submitted called “Columbine.” Our Triumphs include “America has Heart”, “Global Awareness”, and “Heart Value Surgery.” Other quilted blocks will be dedicated to those who lost someone to “drug abuse”, the “First Parliament in Edinburgh, Scotland, to “Women’s Rights”, “Space Exploration” and one done by a breast cancer survivor.As Andrea quoted “The inspiration for the quilts are all those people who recorded history in their artistic expressions. We don't know their names, yet they captured history in their homely work. Tapestries, quilts, needlework - these are all we have left. Yet these works inform our understanding of history."These are just a sampling of a few of the squares already submitted, which can also be found on my blog,
The first square by Betsy @ represents “Katrina”, Notice on the left the deep purple waves; the dark background represents the richness of the culture along the Gulf Coast; and the “red X” represents the “X” that the recovery workers used as they searched each home. The second block done by Marion @, is dedicated to all those who are “Breast Cancer Survivors”, (of which she is one). The third block, submitted by myself, called “Columbine”, calls for a stop to all the needless shootings on school campuses.

The fourth quilt square done by Jacki of called “In Memoriam” is dedicated to our US Troops fighting for our safety. Note, in the upper right side are 3 tiny pearl drops, one representing the death of her father, the other to her husband, and the third to all of those who have lost their lives fighting in Iraq. The next square, “Poetry”, by Debi of, represents the world evolving around us. We need to remind ourselves of the beauty that surrounds us, and not to waste or destroy what we are lucky to have. Another beautiful square I received is called “America Has Heart” by Gayle of Also shown below is a square by Pat Tiffin of "", celebrating her heart valve replacement surgery.

There are a few more quilts blocks on my blog which I invite all to view; and as more squares come in, you will be able to view them on my blog with each update.Written by Pamela Baker of
Posted by Sara's Texture Crafts
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